It has now been fifteen years since I crossed paths with Kris, and I can say that my life has been profoundly transformed because of it. At the time, I had just sold my company and was at an important crossroads in my life, unsure of which direction to take. A colleague recommended Kris to me, and although I was skeptical, I decided to consult her. She made some surprising revelations, predicting that I would work in the automotive and luxury industries, but especially in Switzerland. At that time, I was living in France, and this prediction seemed completely out of place. Yet, a few years later, purely by chance, I joined the International Automobile Federation (FIA) in Geneva. That was when I fully realized the power of her visions.

Over the years, I continued to consult her during times of doubt, and her advice was always remarkably insightful. Shortly after finding this job in Switzerland, I met the mother of my daughter. Although we had a child together, I left her after a year because I didn’t have real feelings for her. That departure marked the beginning of a true nightmare.

For ten years, I endured constant harassment, terrible accusations, blackmail, and unbearable pressure. I had to fight legally to gain custody of my daughter, which I eventually succeeded in doing. But despite this victory, my energy had been drained. I felt exhausted, both physically and mentally. I even had to undergo colon surgery due to severe health problems. My personal relationships, especially with women, were also disastrous. I had also lost my passion for sports, which had always been essential for me. Due to these occult attacks, I no longer had the strength to get back into it.

It was at that moment that I reached out to Kris again. She then revealed to me that I was the target of occult attacks. These attacks didn’t only affect me: they also impacted my daughter due to what is called a “ricochet effect.” She explained that after a cleansing, my daughter would feel better as well. This revelation is what pushed me to accept the protocol, even though, at first, I was frightened by the idea and wasn’t sure if I believed in it.

But I eventually accepted, and it was a true rebirth. Not only did my physical pains completely disappear, but I also regained all my energy and joy for life. My main addictions vanished in less than 15 days, and I was even able to get back into sports, which was crucial for me before these ordeals. My daughter, who hadn’t been doing well recently, also saw her condition improve significantly after the cleansing.

Since then, everything seems to have taken a new direction. I reorganized my life, my apartment, and I even discovered a passion for cooking, which is entirely new to me. I am once again serene, lighter, and life has regained its full meaning.

Furthermore, I can say without exaggeration that Kris literally saved my life. Her help was invaluable, and I will never be able to thank her enough. If anyone is going through a difficult period or facing incomprehensible obstacles, I can only recommend consulting her. She possesses an exceptional gift, and she is much more than a medium. She is a true guide in the darkest moments.

Kris, I thank you for eternity. Thank you…

I can say without exaggeration that Kris literally saved my life.

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5 star rating
It has now been fifteen years since I crossed paths with Kris, and I can say that my life has been profoundly transformed because of it.
International Automobile Federation, Geneva – SWITZERLAND

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